Here at Filtered Air Systems, we use nothing but the finest quality accessories in the industry. We can equip you with anything from a simple hose clamp to a custom made filter chamber. As your company grows, so will your filtration needs. We can help you determine what it is you will need to keep your air filtration at optimum efficiency. Our warehouse is filled with electronic components, pipe parts and accessories, collection materials, and all styles of filters. You can call on us and we will provide for you what you need in the time you need it. If you don't see what you are looking for here, please call us at (781) 491-0508 and we will find it for you.
Filtered Air Systems is here to get you what you want. As you search high and low for the obscure part that you may need, we could be ordering it, and having it shipped to you. We work with today's leading manufacturers of all types so that we can supply you with every possible item to fit your filtration needs.
Our custom fabrication shop is equipped with state of the art machinery and tools. This helps us to better serve you in the most efficient and expedient way possible. In doing this, we can cut our overhead and turn that savings around to you, the consumer. We are capable of manufacturing anything from a simple in line reducer, to the most sophisticated HEPA filtration systems. If your company has a need for it we can either get it for you, or design it to your specifications.